| 1. | Many companies invested in establishing postdoctoral research center 很多公司投资建立博士后研究中心。 |
| 2. | 1988 - 1989 postdoctoral research associate in the college of medicine , university of illinois 1988 1989美国伊里诺斯大学医学院博士后 |
| 3. | He is currently doing postdoctoral research at the academia sinica s institute of physics 目前任职于中研院物理所,从事与所学相合的博士后研究工作。 |
| 4. | 1995 . 9 - 1997 . 12 postdoctoral research associate , department of neurology , university of tennessee , memphis , usa 美国印第安那大学医学院解剖学系,博士后 |
| 5. | 1998 . 1 - 1998 . 7 postdoctoral research associate , department of anatomy and cell biology , indiana university school of medicine 美国田纳西大学医学院神经病学系,博士后 |
| 6. | After finishing postdoctoral research at harvard university in 1972 , he began to work for cold spring harbor laboratory 这也就是我念兹在兹提出和平多赢、共存共荣的原因。 |
| 7. | Postdoctoral research fellow with the muscle internal fellowship from european research consortium for informatics and mathematics 博士后研究员,获欧洲信息学与数学研究联盟muscle博士后奖学金。 |
| 8. | After finishing postdoctoral research at harvard university in 1972 , he began to work for cold spring harbor laboratory 及后在哈佛大学进行博士后研究,一九七二年加入coldspringharbor实验室工作。 |
| 9. | Since the 1970s , it has begun enrolling postgraduates with the master ' s degree and doctoral students and established the postdoctoral research station 自70年代开始招收硕士、博士研究生、并设有博士后流动站。 |
| 10. | During my stay as a postdoctoral research fellow at nanyang technological university , singapore , as a lab instructor , i conducted four different tutorials for eee undergraduates 在新加坡做博士后研究期间为电子工程系本科生兼职辅导多门实验课程。 |